Sunday, March 27, 2011

The "PLUM" is whole again!

Well today we finished putting phils bike back together went pretty smooth, fired it up this afternoon good times. All and all a good sunday people stopped by through out the day and hung out and helped, so good shit. Thanks to everybody that came by and helped and hung out it was definitely a fun sunday.




  1. Your welcome. Any time you have any questions, don't hesitate to call. Glad to see you were able to finish up with out me. Ha.

  2. Now that the PLUM is back Let's Ride Saturday for the Camp Hope in DeSoto I set you guys an E-mail let me know if you can make it. Looks like the weather will be good High 60's.

  3. Mike we thank you for all you have done. I was going to thank hotrod bobby for machieening the heads of my motorcycle engine but the fact that you held the bungie while i sprayed copper cote on the gaskets was way more helpfull. hahaha so a special thanks to mike b.

  4. U turns i want to ride so bad sun but i have to work nights this week so i will not be attending. Damn i want to...
