This weeks MAN MONDAY was great good turn out from some guys that have'nt been there the pas couple of weeks and thank god our waitress savannah was back she is a good gal and takes real good care of all of us (even Phil who gives her a lot of shit every week) so if you come to MAN MONDAY you won't be disappointed and make sure you take care of our waitress.

Monday, February 28, 2011
Model T Ford Club Swap Meet

This is the massive swap meet that was once upon a time at Riverport, then got moved to Gateway Race Track (where I had a booth last year), and since gateway race track is now shut down, it will be at Fairmount Park Raceway. Sunday May 01, 2011 6:00 am - 4:00 pm. The largest single day swap meet in the midwest will be held at Fairmount Park Raceway at HWY 255 @ Exit 24.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
Giving everybody an advance notice that man monday is a go for this monday Feb.28th
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
The monthly club meeting will be this sunday at my house to shoot the shit and discuss upcoming stuff for the spring, meeting at 12:30 pm if you need directions shoot me a message.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Pick Up The New Horse Backstreet Choppers Mag.!
I got the new Horse in the mail today was flippin through the pages when I came across readers rides and saw Frank The Tanks new bike "The Black Widow" in there, pretty cool to see it in there and Frank is definitley a cool dude so if you are looking for a good read as always the horse if definitely worth picking up.
This week we have some birthdays!
This week a couple of memebers of the S.F.M.F are celebrating birthdays today the 22nd is Brian's and tomorrow the 23rd is Phil's so happy birthday to a couple of best friends and two old ass bastards!
New Points Cover for The Dent!
Got my new points cover in the mail today from chopperdave handmade parts in the good ole USA Hell Yeah gonna be a cool addition to the old girl Check out Dave's website
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Panhead hill climber bike Hell yeah
<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
More Pics
Man mon is a go people so come on out....
I also need to know who is going to the trivia night next weekend. Im going to let mike know tomarrow night...
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Blog links on here
The blog links that i posted on here to the right of our post if you haven't checked them out you should a lot of good stuf on these blogs and they are done by some damn cool people if you have any other suggestions on blogs to put up here let me know and I will put up a link.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Brian is going to pick up his bike tomarrow... YA son
Ride that shit raw dog.. ewww maybe just ride it normal ..hhaha buy the way brians b day is the 22nd and usuall we do something combined but this weekend was the only weekend i had free and he has to work. Sorry bro and i do mean that .... he is older than me shit by 14 hours fucker. allways the oneuper...
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Trivia night (aka affton reunion) be there or be square...
The Trivia Night is Sat., 2/26 at the Elks Lodge, 6334 Heege Road. Door open at 6, questions start at 7. $20 per person, 8 per table. Includes draft beer, soda, pretzels and popcorn. Can bring in food, can't bring in liquor, but you can buy mixed drinks at bar. I will need to know who is going for sure buy sun 2/20. Im going to turn in the count of people mon to mike b. If you say you are going and you cant make it LET ME KNOW please. Thanks. sfmf management.
Party like its now... yaaaaaa
My birthday is not till the 23rd but this weekend i am free and hope you are to, so i would like to have a party at my house around 7:00 sat. If anyone would like to attend let me know and if at all possible bring a dish for others to share. We will have darts,dice(on or off the cardboard on the side of the house, 7 BITCH),change poker and maybe even a tourney. byob and bring lots!!!!!!!! Yall got my number so hit me up, holla...
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Well the weather is going to be nice for the next few days, we went out today for a little ride was nice to be out cruisin on the bikes!
Friday, February 11, 2011
Man mon is still a go for the 14th......even if there is love in the air.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Wide Open Bike Show this Saturday
Just a reminder the wide open bike show is this saturday the 12th and the admission to get in is $15 at the door. The U-TURN RIDERS are heading out there to and asked if we wanted to meet up with them they are meeting in the parking lot at 11am and they also invited us out to lunch with them if we wanted to go so let me know what anybody has planned and what time would be good for everyone to roll out there.
C I want to get there right when they open at 10 because i have to be at the tax guy buy 1 so if any one else wants to go at that time let me know i will be leavin the house buy 9 or 930 to get some cash to get in. phil
C I want to get there right when they open at 10 because i have to be at the tax guy buy 1 so if any one else wants to go at that time let me know i will be leavin the house buy 9 or 930 to get some cash to get in. phil
Monday, February 7, 2011
Big Steve's Birthday Party
This saturday the 12th at cusanelli's at the corner of Bayless and Lemay Ferry. So everyone be there at 6pm we are gonna have a private room with appetizers and you have to get your own drinks should be a good time come out and party with the s.f.m.f to celebrate a good dudes birthday!
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Man mon is a go for the the 7th
I want some wings so bad. yum yum .
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Don't know about anybody else but I am done with all this damn snow ready for riding weather, got the dent back together wanted to take her out for a spin then the temp. falls off of the chart and we get more snow just had to vent now I feel better.
A good book to pick up!
The name of the book is "living the life" has over 30 years of motorcycle pictures in it as well as biker poems which are real cool think I might start posting some of the poems on the blog every few days figure I would throw this on here to spread the word any other info you want or need about the book let me know.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Bike show and swapt meet.... This could be fun. check it out
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